


Is Polaris the right solution for you? 

Polaris is a marketplace within which the supplier can sell its credits, previously validated by the customer. The supplier's membership of Polaris is totally free of charge. Only the actual use is paid for. 


Thanks to the collaboration of  

all the Polaris members (customers and financial partners), the supplier can have access to credit lines for the pre-financing of its supply contracts, as well as the possibility of selling its customer receivables without recourse. This contributes to the financial sustainability of the company's business, without forcing the supplier to bear the fixed and recurring costs of a traditional factoring contract.With Polaris, the credit you give your customer is no longer a problem. 

With Polaris the supplier can:

  • Access an open market where it can freely negotiate its receivables from the customer at market conditions. 
  • Collaborate with customers and financial partners of Polaris to initiate pre-financing operations for supply contracts. 
  • Establish connections with multiple financial partners through straightforward and low-risk transactions. 
  • Leverage the client's credit capacity to fulfill your own requirements while ensuring the protection of your own credit standing. 


Centralised Management 

Polaris centralises and simplifies the management of onboarding processes, making them valid for all participating financial partners. You no longer have to deal with each individual bank, conclude multiple contracts, provide the same documents several times.