
The smart solution for Supply Chain Finance 

Working Capital, an asset for you 

Polaris is the suite designed to dynamically and centrally manage Supply Chain Finance programmes 

Our innovative & Made In Italy suite, born from the experience of TXT Working Capital Solutions, part of the TXT Group, encourages collaboration between buyers, suppliers and finance partners to pool strengths and minimise risk across the supply chain. 








for financial


Our Solutions

Sustainability Journey

Your ESG vision, in action 




Credit Enhancement

A boost for the management of your operating cycle



Liquidity Investment

A tool for your treasury



Purchase Order Finance

Easy pre-financing and self-liquidating.



Open Liquidity Sourcing

Revolutionise your SCF solutions.



About Us



Virna Volta

Administration, Finance and Human Resources - Due GI Srl di Cattani Giuseppe & C.

One of the main advantages offered by Polaris is the possibility to finance our trade credit in a simple and secure way, without having to 'use up' our credit capacity. This has allowed us to maintain a solid financial position and to have greater flexibility in our operations. In addition, we had access to an on-demand liquidity channel, which proved to be extremely useful in addressing contingent needs or solving structural issues related to the management of our supply relationship.

Our Values



Polaris is an innovative solution, perfectly integrated with SAP ERPs. It optimises credit, accession processes and contracts, outside the traditional logic of reverse factoring



Polaris offers solutions based on a digital collaboration and integration paradigm that creates sustainability for the entire supply chain



Polaris is governed by a single, transparent contractual structure shared by all members, which makes it independent of individual participants

News & Resources

Ritardi di pagamento e Direttiva UE

Revisione della normativa uniforme UE sui ritardi di pagamento. Quale è la nostra proposta?

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Reverse Factoring: cronaca di una morte annunciata?

Nuovi obblighi di disclosure contabile sulle operazioni di Supplier Financing.

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SCF come risposta alla crisi economica

La crisi economica e la fragilità delle filiere di approvvigionamento di molte aziende.

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PMI e SCF: tra benefici e difficoltà di adesione

Fattori che portano una PMI ad accettare il programma SCF proposto dal suo cliente

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